By the meaning of telnet hacking is not that you can connect all PC’s But it will help you connect most of PC’s if you know Password of that pc . my this method will help IT Admin to work on most of process background without interrupt user or visiting there place.
How telnet help you ?
Ans: I think most of people know the Telnet usages but in brief it can use installation some program, creating users , resetting password, updating patches do any thing that can be done via using command line interface.
Start Hacking.
In Xp, server 2k3 the telnet service is disable by default.
For enable Telnet there are two option are available
( Do Not user this method for any illegal activity. )
1st is using admin task
2nd hacking task.
Admin Task : goto > Start > Run Type ”CMD” Press Enter.
In Cmd type following
c:>net use \ipaddressipc$ /u:username password
in my case I want to enable TELNET of its have user administrator & password is pass@123 so use following method
(Eg. Net use \$ /u:administrator pass@123)
after hitting enter I get reply “command completed successfully”
After that again goto > Start > Run Type ”MMC” Press Enter.
You will get blank MMC Console1 click on File > Add/Remove Snap-in in Standalone tab click on Add
Then select services click on add in Services box click on Another computer Radio button type ip of remote pc (Eg. \ ) Click on Finish.
Close other open box u will get Console1 box the following pic. Here you can start or stop any services of remote host PC.
Click on telnet Select Startup type : Automatic click on apply then click on Start then press ok.
Its done you have enable telnet service Via remotely
But the Real work has start now. Coz some users or some pc you find that telnet services is already running that can be done via doing following command
telnet ipaddress (Eg. telnet
by default the telnet will connect on port no. 23 you can change the port no but this will I discussed on next post.
Now when you try to connect remote pc via telnet you get following error
- 1. Telnet server could not log you in using NTLM authentication.
- 2 . Telnet Server is configured to use NTLM authentication only.
- 3. Access Denied: Specified user is not a member of TelnetClients group.
So sort-out this error use following command
C:>tlntadmn ipaddress –u username –p password config sec =-NTLM+passwd
(Eg. Tlntadmn –u administrator –p pass@123 config sec =-NTLM+passwd)
You get output “The settings were successfully updated.”
Then try telnet command telnet ipaddress (Eg. telnet
You get the following authentication box.
Enter login: username (Eg. Login : admin)
Password: password (Eg. Password: pass@1234)
Done !!!!
You hacked the Windows box via telnet.
The author of this post is Anish M.